Design Thinking methods @DESIGN-IT : (1) Personal Inventory

by Emma-Katharina David on 29 Jun 2018

Beginning with this week the DESIGN-IT team evaluates for 12 weeks various design thinking methods (applied for business purposes by David M. Kelly, founder of IDEO; in the 1960s first use in academics by L.Bruce Archer). Each week a new method will be presented. Team members will have to put them into practice in groups or alone – depending on the method. Methods will be applied to a current project, project management or other tasks. At the end of this 12 weeks period, our experience will be summarized with benefits and disadvantages of each methods and overall opinions.


This weeks method is the human-centered “Personal inventory”– approach. Goal of this design method is to introduce the routine and working habit of each team member and also end user. This involves showcasing their relationship to physical and digital products.


Task: Team members and end users take a picture of their working space.  This is of course their desk, but it can be also a whiteboard, or the kitchen. This way they show their daily routine with any hard or software they use throughout their day.


Goal: Empathy towards the team but especially the end user will be herewith created.


Read more about our experience below.


After taking part in the method each team member answered a few questions about their experience.


Team members like mostly the method because they have a chance to see the end users working environment and better understand their limitations (e.g. small screen, no desktop etc.).


What seems to worry the team is the fact that presenting the environment through pictures with short comments may not be enough. Instead they propose that a video could be filmed by a third person who also makes sure that enough explanation is given especially for the digital parts.


An interesting fact to point out is that they see the use of this method better the other way around. This way the end user and customer also has the chance to see our day to day work and better understand us also.

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