ATTRACK helps track class attendance and performance. It is the perfect university tool.
“Digitalization is picking up pace, also in research and education. DESIGN-IT provided us with the vision and know-how to find a simpler and more efficient way to track our students’ progress.”
Students of medicine at the University of Freiburg have for each course a paper and reports card with an overview of attendance needed (seminar or course) and actions to be performed during a semester. These are completed by hand and need the signature of the professor in charge. It is very important for students as these not only contain the tracked attendance but also actions that need to be performed during seminars or when on duty in hospitals. These build in the end the grade to pass a class. In sum these papers are essential to complete the semester successfully.
Having these cards at all times with them often proves difficult as these papers can get lost and with them also the completed information. Not to mention the fact that a class compiles often of over 30 students. Immagine the professor having to deal with signing and reviewing a paper whenever a student stops and asks him.
Here is where our app comes in to help and keep everything ordered and in one place without having the trouble of carrying these papers.
DESIGN-IT developed the mobile app called ATTRACK focusing on compiling all the necessary tools from the University of Freiburg cards in one app.
It offers separate logins for students and professors. Professors can add new courses, with seminars and actions to be performed. They can accept or reject submitted actions. Actions vary in this case from hospital presence to lab exercises or even surgery attendance. Professors can scan the QR code on the students app for attendance.
Students can register for courses and seminars. They can add submit performed actions for review. They show their QR code on the app when entering in class and after the professor scans it, they are automatically checked in as present.
This way students do not have to carry for each course a paper with them and professors have only to check in the app what actions were submitted and by whom. It is an all-in-one university attendance and classes app.